Welcome to Mississippi’s Campaign Finance reporting system.
The following information is available for searching: Candidate Name, Committee Name, Office, Contributions, Expenditures, and Late Filers.
Helpful Hints for Searching
- The less information you enter into the search criteria, the more records will be returned for your review. For example, if you enter part of a name or only the last name, more records will be returned than if you entered a specific first and last name.
- “Search” and “Clear” buttons are provided throughout the screens for your convenience. These buttons will work on the entire screen regardless of where you select them.
- Many of the search results can be downloaded to your computer. Look for the “Export to Excel” button.
Reliability and Quality of Data
While campaign finance reports filed manually by paper, as opposed to electronically through the website, may be accessed and reviewed, the data and contents are not searchable by specific criteria. Only the data and contents of campaign finance reports filed electronically through the website are searchable by specific criteria such as by candidate or political committee name, office, expenditure or contribution.
The information available on the Campaign Finance filing website is provided by the individual candidates, political committees or their designated representatives who file campaign finance disclosure reports with the Mississippi Secretary of State’s Office. The Secretary of State is without the legal authority or obligation to verify the data or investigate its accuracy. Furthermore, these files have been converted from pdfs as searchable data and information may not be fully accurate. For any questions or to review the pdf, please contact campaignfinance.common@sos.ms.gov.
Data anticipated to be published or publicly disseminated should be confirmed with the candidate or political committee.
Errors may occur when converting campaign finance reports filed by paper to a searchable format. To confirm the accuracy of each contribution, you may view the actual report by clicking the “Details” button next to each contribution.
*For questions, contact the Elections Division at campaignfinance.common@sos.ms.gov or 601-576-2550.